Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome To The Block

After been so long not updating my blog,now i'm back coz i want to share how happy i am with the comeback of Block B ^ ^ hehehe so i'm gonna grab their album..

Friday, December 16, 2011

i'm back now...

After a long i'm back updating my blog..hehehe sorry coz now i'm busy with my tumblr lol.. u can check it out my new addicted actually..well not much i want to share now coz my life with kpop now..Fall in love with it..hahaha so just posting my new pic ^_^

Thursday, April 7, 2011

something to share

hello again...a lil' word from my heart...sometime when we work so heart to make other people happy, we forgot about ourself..eventhought we already try to be perfect but with a little mistake all what we done were gone..but don't they realise that they are not perfect too..well it's hard to make people understand but don;t make ourself goes into disaster just for the person who doesn't care about our feeling..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

my brother cute daughter ~ nur qistina damia bt saiful nazam~

aishh i forgot to tell..on 24 july 2010, Nur Qistina Damia was born..^_^..she is my brother son..wah she so adorable,cute and sweet..i just want to share it with you..

Friday, March 25, 2011

Super Junior

just want to share their pic...^_^
super junior



it's been so long i didn't update my blog..Aish i'm in love now..^_^ in love with korean culture...hahahaha in my phone there a lot of kpop songs such as super junior,beast,MBLAQ, 2PM,SHINee,4Minute,Girls Generation,Brown Eyed Girl my twin laptop too..hahaha she must be so shock i think..what can i do..*_* but i really love song from anna Tsuchiya title "kuroi namida".it means black sad when listen to this the way im gonna share a lot of pic of super super junior i really like kyuhyun..ahh so sweet..yesung also one of my favourite in super junior..i like the song "it has to be you" that he sing..also a OST Paradise Ranch "Waiting for you"..Another song are the one that he sing with super junior K.R.Y Title "HEARTQUAKE"What a lovely voice he has..^_^ aegyo..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

adam..penyeri hidup...siti hazwani

ha jgn terkejut bukan anak aku ok..hahahahaha ni anak kepada membe baik aku semasa aku kat kolej..comei kn..well nama adam ni aku dengan membe aku nama adeq yang bagi nama MUHAMMAD ADAM ZAQWAN...hehehehe membe aku ni banyak bantu aku masa aku susah.. jadi xsalah aku bantu dia plak..tapi aku kecewa sikit..walaupun msa dia bersalin kami ( aku, adeq dan ecah ) ada di HTAA tp kami x berpeluang tengok baby ni..huhuhuhu tapi wani send pic adam kt aku..hehehehe aku menjadi lg terharu bila wani minta aku namakan anak dia..macam xpercaya pun ade..tapi bagi aku ini merupakan kisah persahabtan antara aku wani adeq dan ecah..setiap orang lain jalan hidup mereka namun aku bangga kerana kamik tetap menjadi sahabat walaupun pebagai perkara telah berlaku...tangisan tawa duka semuanyer dah kami lalui cuma impian kami nak bercuti bersama di genting highland x tercapai kerana ade perkara yang xdapat dielakkan..moga satu hari nanti kami dapat berkumpul dan merealisasikan impian tu..hehehehhehe amin...A.F.A.S

pening kepala lorh..huhuhuhu

aduh sejak dua menjak ni aku ni dok sakit kepala je..huhuhuhu xtau ape yg wat aku penat sampai dh 2 hari aku terlajak tido..ahakz!!! dan sejak kebelakangan ni aku pun slalu tido lewat..bila tido lewat banyak benda ak fikir..kedang2 aku rasa aku ni terlalu kuat memikir la..well aku pikir pn ttg kehidupan aku jgk..hehehehe tapi kadang2 rasa macam banyak beban kat otak aku ni..hmm sabar je yang aku mampu..huuhuhuhu well aku nk settle kan hal my mom dulu bru pk hal lain..harap2 semuanyer akan teratur..arghhhhhh pening betul!!!kalo macam ni baik aku nikah je..hahahahaha tapi ade ke nak nikah dengan aku..kihkihkih!!!ape2 pn sabar je la..A.F.A.S

Sunday, May 9, 2010

dh lama x update my blog

salam..lama dh aku x update my blog..maklum la my mom just start her chemo treatment for her cancer...dlm pd msa yg sama aku juga ade sdikit masalah peribadi yang tak dapat aku cite kan..dalam hidup ni kita akan jumpa pelbagai jenis ragam manusia...ade yang depan kita belakon baik je tapi belakang dia la hantunyer...mungkin tuhan nak tunjukkan aku sedikit demi sedikit kebenaran yang tersirat disebalik sifat setiap manusia yang aku kenal...mungkin sebab tu lah sifat aku yang tak percaya orang 100 % ade juga kebaikkan nya...kadang2 takut nak percaya orang 100% sebab bila kita beri kepercayaan kita kemudian dengan mudah mereka mempermainkan kita umpama boneka yang tak de perasaan...kadang2 rasa kasihan pada diri sendiri pun ade..sesuka hati je manusia2 ni nak mempermainkan dan memperbodohkan aku dengan lakonan hebat mereka...namun tuhan tu maha mengetahui dan mendengar...semalam aku dan kembar aku ambik peluang keluar bersama...mungki just tersalah pandang tapi kenapa aku yakin sangat bahawa yang aku nampak semalam adalah seseorang yang sangat aku kenali..mungkin bukan urusan aku untuk masuk campur life orang tapi itulah yang aku rasa sekarang..tertipu dengan lakonan pentas dunia yang penuh dengan muslihat...namun aku tau aku bukan la sesiapa nak hukum mereka..A.F.A.S

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

selalu fikir macam ane nak ubah haluan hidup ni...

everyday i been thinking how to change my destiny..i feel like i took the wrong path in my life...every step i took make me far from what i dream...ape yg aku lalui sekarang bukan lah impian aku..hanya tuhan yang tahu keinginan aku sebenar...agaknye dah penat nak dengar rintihan hati aku yang selalu aku luahkan...ape yang aku harus lakukan agra aku kembali ke jalan aku aku ni cerewet sangat tapi ni hidup aku..takkan aku nak hancurkan nya dengan mengikut je...melihatkan kehidupan orang lain..terasa cemburu pun ada...mungkin aku patut mengambil risiko agar aku dapat menyempurnakan impian aku...namun itu semua dengan keizinan yang di atas...kalo la masa boleh diputar kembali...namun aku tahu tu mustahil...sekarang aku hanya perlu tumpukan terhadap kesihatan mak aku sambil mencari peluang yang ada..A.F.A.S

Sunday, May 2, 2010

hope nothing happen..just think positive...


one day...

still thinking...what will happen after it end with happy ending or sad him so much but huhuhuhu aduh dah parok ni..hahahahaha emm just ikut je la kemana takdir bawa...dah usaha to keep everything fine but we just can't expect what will happen right...still working to be more sabar to face this situation...arghhhhhhhhhhhhh but emmm...maybe one day when there nothing between us..i will walk away far from his my own life without thinking about him anymore but still can't throw the feelling...perasaan sayang kt dia...huhuhuhuhu but hope GOD akan menyatukan kami..hehehehehe poyo la..hahahahaha still miss him so much!!!! A.F.A.S

miss my twin..huhuhu

emm miss her so much...miss my fren to gossip anymore..waaaaaaaaaa but still hope she will be fine...emm now im alone with my own prblem...skrg aku rsa sesuatu tp aku harap benda ni tak jadi kenyataan..rindu kt dia sangat2 tapi dia bz sekarang...huhuhuhu teringat plak semalam aku ikut abah aku g noreh,masa nak balik aduh tayar plak pancit..malang btul..mesti kena ejek lagi ni..hahahaha mane taknye, tiap kali aku ikut mesti tayar ni buat hal.hahahaha tapi macam biasa la aku yang tolong abah pasang tayar motor nanti.hehehehe so nak tunggu along sampai ambik aku, kena la jalan..nak dijadikan cite untuk kuar dari kebun getah tu mesti kena lalu satu kawasan hutan sebelum sampai area sawit...biasa la aku ni bukan berani sangat..untuk tidak takut sangat aku ambik 3 biji batu...hehehehe aku ketuk batu tu sampai la along sampai..hehehehe sambul jalan aku lagakan dua batu...tok tok tok...tibe2 terbau plak benda wangi..wangi sangat...emm mungkin sejenis bunga hutan..tapi sangat wangi...hehehehe tapi tu aku jadikan sebagai pengalama...bagi aku kerja2 macam ni dah lali..aku bukan la keluarga berada yang ada syarikat sendiri yang mane income puluh2 ribu every month...sekadar ape yg ada tp aku tetap bersyukur..tuhan masih bagi aku rezeki..heheheheh masih ada insan kat luar sana yang mana jumpa nasi sebulan sekali..mungkin juga tak pernah kenal ape itu nasi...syukur dengan apa yang tuhan bagi pada aku...AMIN...A.F.A.S

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

kiriman seorang teman...

Aku hairan pada orang yang yakin akan kematian, tapi hidup bersuka ria.
Aku hairan pada orang yang yakin akan pertanggungjawaban segala amal perbuatan di akhirat, tapi asyik mengumpulkan dan mengumpul harta.
Aku hairan pada orang yang yakin akan kubur, tapi ia ketawa terbahak-bahak.
Aku hairan pada orang yang yakin akan adanya alam akhirat, tapi ia menjalani hidupnya dengan bersantai-santai.
Aku hairan pada orang yang yakin akan kehancuran dunia, tapi ia mengingininya.
Aku hairan pada cerdik pandai, yang bodoh dalam soal moral.
Aku hairan pada orang yang bersuci dengan air, sedangkan hatinya masih tetap kotor.
Aku hairan pada orang yang sibuk mencari cacat dan aib orang lain, sedangkan ia tidak sedar sama sekali terhadap cacat yang ada pada dirinya.
Aku hairan pada orang yang yakin bahawa Allah SWT sentiasa mengawasi segala perilakunya tapi ia berbuat jahat.
Aku hairan pada orang yang sedar akan kematiannya, kemudian akan tinggal dalam kubur seorang diri, lalu dipertanggungjawaban seluruh amal perbuatannya, tapi berharap belas kasih orang lain.
Sungguh...tiada Tuhan kecuali AKU...dan Muhammad adalah hamba dan utusan-KU

Ikhwan fillah, bersujudlah dan bertaubatlah kepada ALLAH SWT serta menangislah.. betapa banyak dosa yang telah kita perbuat selama ini...lihatlah betapa banyak kelalaian yang telah kita lakukan selam ini..

'Hisablah dirimu sebelum Allah menghisabmu' (Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib RA)

Monday, April 26, 2010

aduh kepala sakit...hmmm

masa kt KKRP...hehehehe

best fren aku..sayang dia...muah!!!

emm hari ni tak dapat nak fikir banyak..otak sakit arrghh...hari ni aku tengok pic membe aku g holiday kat cameron..aduh happening je..rindu kat membe - membe pmpuan aku semua..semua dh merantau tapi area k.l...hehehehe boleh lagi la lepak sama - sama..hehehehe pasni entah sape la diantara kami yang akan mendirikan rumah tangga dulu...hehehehe perhubungan kami rapat...tapi dah ramai membe lelaki aku yang dah lost contact..hari ni aku terkejut bila aku jumpa membe aku dalam fb..hehehehe membe laki aku yang satu kelas pun ade add aku..kadang2 bagus gak dunia fb ni..dapat gak jumpa balik membe2 yang dah lama tak dengar khabar berita..walaupun jauh antara satu sama lain tetapi masih ade alternatif lain untuk aku berhubung dengan mereka selain handphone...hehehehe...ape ape pun aku harap perhubungan unik yang terjalin antara aku dengan sume membe aku kekal....A.F.A.S

Sunday, April 25, 2010

macam aku nyusah ke dia...

heran aku dengan manusia ni...stahu aku start aku lahir sampai aku besor ni, aku tak pernah pun minta sedekah dari orang untuk hidup...bia pun susah tapi aku tak pernah pulak duk menagih simpati orang..aku bersyukur lagi dengan hidup aku ni...tapi hari ni baru aku tau sesuatu yang aku tak sangka..hipokrit betul!!!patut aku tak boleh terima dia selama ni...EGO???tu yang dia LABELKAN!!!memang tak sangka dapat title tu...tapi tak pe la..bak kata dia TULISLA BLOG NI...BLOG NI BOLEH BAGI DUIT KAT AKU..duit tu sentiasa jadi perkara utama dalam sifat manusia..mungkin bagi dia duit tu dapat beli kebahagiaan kat dunia ni..tahniah la aku ucap...cukup la dah banyak hati aku sakit..aku pun bodoh jugak..penting kan perasaan orang dari perasaan sendiri...semoga di gembira dengan pembalasan yang akan aku terima page for my life..nothing important for me anymore...just my family, my fren n my lover..even i know how his life at least i feel comfort with him...still have my twin, my mom, my dad even my destiny not in his hand but GOD is the planner of my life...what happen must be a reason for something meanless in my life..go ahead..said what u want to say...i don't care anymore..i didn't live for ur life...ego is better than hipokrit!!!at least itu real me not plastic...A.F.A.S

i think i love u

hehehehe best plak lyan lgu korea ni...lgu dari cite full house...minat tengok cite korea..percintaan yang secara kebetulan namun penuh dengan keromantisan..wah jiwang parok aku ni...hahahahaha emm style dorang pun lawa dan smart...hahahhaha tapi aku xdela lawa macam dorang tu...antara cite korea yang aku dh tengok autumn in my heart, my sassy girl, my love patzi,my gurl, princess hour,full house, winter sonata, emm apa lagi eh..tak ingat plak..hahahahah first vcd aku beli cite meteor garden tapi ni cite cina la....gempak cite ni..kisah 4 sahabat yang kawan dengan seorang gadis miskin... cite ni bermula bila pompuan miskin tu bantu membe dia... ..4 sahabat ni ade ketua...kira kepala la.tapi jenis sombong dan ego...nak dijadikan cite dia jatuh dengan pompuan miskin tapi dalam masa yang sama pompuan miskin tu minat dengan kawan baik dia...kalo nk dicerita memang xcukup korum ni..hahahaha...cite ni ada 2 part..aku dah tonton habis cite ni..bia beratus habis janji aku puas..masa zaman sekolah menengah aku beli cite ni..aku share dengan kembar aku...dia pun minat cite2 gini...tapi sayang la..vcd part I cite ni dah xde..membe aku pinjam tapi xtau sape yang ambik katanye masa kenduri umah dia ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aku sayang gile cite tu...tapi cite ni pun ade versi jepun tajuk hana yori dango...hehehehe cite yang ni kembar aku yang rasanye...hhehehhe ape2 pun tak jemu tonton...A.F.A.S

Saturday, April 24, 2010

evacuate the dance floor ( cascada )

Turn up the music
Let´s get out on the floor
they like to move it
Come and give us some more

Watch me getting physical
Out of control, Ah
There’s people watching me, Ah
I never miss a beat

Still the night, kill the lights
Feel it under your skin
Time is right, keep it tight
‘Cause it’s pulling you in

Wrap it up you can’t stop
‘Cause it feels like an overdose
(feels like an overdose)

Oh, oh
Evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh
I’m infected by the sound
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ let the music take me underground

(Everybody in the club)
Oh, oh
Evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh
I’m infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club)
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ come burn this place right down to the ground

My body’s aching
System overload
Temperature’s rising
I’m about to explode

Watch me I’m intoxicated
Taking the show, Ah
It`s got me hypnotized, Ah
Everybody step aside

Still the night, kill the lights
Feel it under your skin
Time is right, keep it tight
‘Cause it’s pulling you in

Wrap it up you can’t stop
‘Cause it feels like an overdose
(feels like an overdose)

Oh, oh
Evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh
I’m infected by the sound
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ let the music take me underground

(Everybody in the club)
Oh, oh
Evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh
I’m infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club)
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ come burn this place right down to the ground

Come on and evacuate
Feel the club is heating up
Move on and accelerate
Push it to the top
Come on and evacuate
Feel the club is heating up
Move on and accelerate
You don’t have to be afraid

Now guess who’s back with a brand new track?
They got everybody in the club going mad
So everybody in the back
Get your back up off the wall and just shake that thang

Go crazy
Yo lady
Yo baby
Let me see you wreck that thang
Now drop it down low, low
Let me see you take it to the dancefloor, yo

Everybody in the club
(Evacuate the dancefloor)
Everybody in the club
(I’m infected by the sound)

Everybody in the club
(Stop this beat is killing me)
Hey Dr. DJ let the music take me underground

Oh, oh
Evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh
I’m infected by the sound
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ let the music take me underground

(Everybody in the club)
Oh, oh
Evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh
I’m infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club)
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ come burn this place right down to the ground

hard ( rihanna )

Yeah, yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Ah yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah (Ah yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah, yeah
Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah, yeah

They can say whatever
I'ma do whatever
No pain is forever
Yup, you know this

Tougher than a lion
Ain't no need in tryin'
I live where the sky ends
Yup, you know this

Never lyin', truth teller
That Rihanna reign, just won't let up
All black on, blacked out shades
Blacked out Maybach

I'ma rock this shit like fashion, as in
goin' til they say stop
And my runway never looked so clear
But the hottest bitch in heels right here

No fear, and while you getting your cry on
I'm getting my fly on
Sincere, I see you aiming at my pedastal
I betta let ya' know

That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
So hard, so hard, so hard, so hard

Ah yeah, yeah, yeah
That Rihanna reign just won't let up
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah
That Rihanna reign just won't let up
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah
That Rihanna reign just won't let up
So hard, so hard, so hard, so hard

All up on it
Know you wanna clone it
Ain't like me
That chick to boney
Ride this beat, beat, beat like a pony
Meet me at the top (top, top)
Gettin' lonely

Who think they test me now
Run through your town
I shut it down
Brilliant, resilient
Fan mail from 27 million

And I want it all
It's gonna take more than that
Hope that ain't all you got

I need it all
The money, the fame, the cars, the clothes

I can't just let you run up on me like that (all on me like that)
I see you aiming at my pedastal
So I think I gotta let ya' know

That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
So hard, so hard, so hard, so hard

Go hard or go home
Back to your residence
Soon the red dogs will give the block back to the presidents
I used to run my own block like Obama did
You ain't gotta believe me, go ask my momma then

You couldn't even come in my room
it smelled like a kilo
Looked like me and two of my boys playing casino
Trying to sell they peeping my bag they can't afford it
Tell 'em to give me back my swag
They tryin' to clone me

See my Louis tux, Louis flag, Louis frames, Louis belt
What that make me
Louis mane?

I'm in an all white party wearin' all black
With my new black watch call it the heart attack
Cardiac arrest, cardiac a wrist
Yeah, they say they're hard
They ain't hard as this


The one word describes me
If I wasn't doin' this
You know where I be, too hard

Where dem girls talkin' trash
Where dem girls talkin' trash
Where they at, where they at, where they at?

Where dem bloggers at
Where dem bloggers at
Where they at, where they at, where they at?

Where your lighters at
Where your lighters at
Where they at, where they at, where they at?
So hard, so hard, so hard, so hard

That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
That I, I, I, I'm so hard
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard
So hard, so hard, so hard, so hard

That I, I, I

russian roulette ( rihanna )

Take a breath, take it deep
Calm yourself, he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I’m sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go

Chorus :

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
That I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must pass this test
So just pull the trigger

Say a prayer to yourself
He says close your eyes
Sometimes it helps
And then I get a scary thought
That he’s here means he’s never lost


As my life flashes before my eyes
I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late too pick up the value of my life


puas rasa hehehehe

puas rasa hari ni dapat letak lagu yang aku minat..hahahahaha emm aku mmg minat salin lirik..mane - mane lagu yang aku minat aku akan usaha salin lirik dia tapi lagu english aku klik je kat internet cari..copy pastu paste..senang..emm aku memang gile dengar lagu janji sedap dengar kat telinga aku ni tapi tak semua la aku layan..mungkin blog aku ni akan penuh dengan lirik lagu nanti...well what can i do...we cant deny what we like right..egegege...kadang2 lagu ni ade kena mengena dengan diri kita cuma kita je yang tau...kadang2 lagu jugak bagi semangat kepada kita bila kita sedih ke, gembira ke...kadang2 bila sedih dengar lagu sad memang berlinang air mata tapi itu yang memberi kepuasan kepada kita...merasai lebih beerti dari melihat...ade lagu yang memberi keinsafan kepada kita..namun terserah la kepada individu tu untuk menilainya...just be yourselh..dont be shy..comfort yourselh bont be selfish...A.F.A.S

jai ho ( pussycat dolls )

(Jai Ho)
(Jai Ho)I got (I got) shivers (shivers),
When you touch away,
I'll make you hot,
Get all you got,
I'll make you wanna say (Jai Ho)

(Jai Ho)

I got (I got) fever (fever),
Running like a fire,
For you I will go all the way,
I wanna take you higher (Jai Ho)
I keep it steady
Cuz steady is how I feel it.
This beat is heavy, so heavy,
You gon feel it.

(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I breathe,(Jai Ho)
You are the reason that I still believe,(Jai Ho)
You are my destiny,
Jai Ho! Uh-uh-uh-oh!
(Jai Ho)No there is nothing that can stop us(Jai Ho)
Nothing can ever come between us,(Jai Ho)
So come and dance with me,
Jai Ho! (oohh)

Catch me, catch me, catch me, come and catch me,
I want you now,
I know you can save me, come and save me,
I need you now.
I am yours forever, yes, forever,
I will follow,
Anywhere in anyway,
Never gonna let go.

Jai Ho

(Jai Ho) Escape (escape) away (away),
I'll take you to a place,
This fantasy of you and me,
I'll never lose the chase. (Jai Ho)

Yeaahhhh (Jai Ho) Yeaahhhh

I can (I can) feel you (feel you),
Rushing through my veins,
There's an notion in my heart,
I will never be the same.

(Jai Ho)Just keep it burnin', yeah baby,
Just keep it comin', (Jai Ho)
You're gonna find out, baby,
I'm one in a million.

(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I breathe,(Jai Ho)
You are the reason that I still believe,(Jai Ho)
You are my destiny,
Jai Oh! Uh-uh-uh-oh!

(Jai Ho)No there is nothing that can stop us(Jai Ho)
Nothing can ever come between us(Jai Ho)
So come and dance with me,
Jai Ho! (oohh) (You and me, it's destiny)

Catch me, catch me, catch me, come and catch me,
I want you now,
I know you can save me, come and save me,
I need you now.
I am yours forever, yes, forever,
I will follow,
Anywhere in anyway,
Never gonna let go.

Jai Ho (Yeeeaaahh), Jai Ho (Yeeeaaahh), Jai Ho

I need you,
Gonna make it,(Jai Ho)
I'm ready,
So take it!

(Jai Ho)You are the reason that I breathe,(Jai Ho)
You are the reason that I still believe,(Jai Ho)
You are my destiny,
Jai Oh! Uh-uh-uh-oh!

(Jai Ho)No there is nothing that can stop us,(Jai Ho)
Nothing can ever come between us,(Jai Ho)
So come and dance with me,
Jai Ho! (oohh) (You and me, it's destiny)

Jai Ho!

Baila baila!
Baila baila!

Jai Ho!

Baila baila!

Jai Ho!

blah blah ( kesha )

Blah Blah Blah lyrics
Songwriters: Foreman, Sean; Hitch, Neon; Levin, Benjamin; Sebert, Kesha Rose;

Coming out your mouth with your blah, blah, blah
Zip your lips like a padlock and meet me at the back
With the jack and the jukebox

I don't really care where you live at
Just turn around, boy, let me hit that
Don't be a little bitch with your chit chat
Just show me where your dick's at

Music starts, listen hot stuff
I'm in love with this song
So just hush, baby, shut up
Heard enough

Stop, talk, talk, talking that blah, blah, blah
Think you'll be getting this nah, nah, nah
Not in the back of my car, ah, ah
If you keep talking that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Boy, come on give me rock stuff
Come put a little love it my glove bag
I wanna dance with no pants on
Meet me in the back with the jack and the jukebox

So cut to the chase kid
'Cause I know you don't care what my middle name is
I wanna be naked but you're wasted

Music's up, listen hot stuff
I'm in love with this song
So just hush, baby, shut up
Heard enough

Stop talk, talk, talking that blah, blah, blah
Think you'll be getting this nah, nah, nah
Not in the back of my car, ah, ah
If you keep talking that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

You be delaying, you're always saying some shit
You say I'm playing, I'm never laying the dick
Saying blah, blah, blah
'Cause I don't care who you are in this party
It only matters who I am

Stop talk, talk, talking that blah, blah, blah
Think you'll be getting this nah, nah, nah
Not in the back of my car, ah, ah
If you keep talking that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Blah, blah, blah
Think you'll be getting this nah, nah, nah
Not in the back of my car, ah, ah
If you keep talking that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Blah, blah, blah
Stop talking
Stop talk, talk talking that

tik tok ( kesha )

wake up in the morning felling like pdiddy
grab my glasses im out the door im gonna hit this city
before i leave brush my teeht with abottle of JAK
cause when i leave for the nigh I ain't comin' back

im talkin' pedecure on my toes(toes)
tryn' on all my clothes(clothes)
boys blown' up our phones(phones)
drop topping, playing our favorite cds
going up to the parties
tryn' to get a bit TIPSY

Dont stop making pop dj blow my speakers up tonight
ima fight til we see the sun light tick tock on the clock but the party dont stop -no
oh woah wo oh oh woah wo oh (xs2)

dont got a care in the world but got plenty of beer
dont got no money in my pocket but im already here
now the dudes are lining up
Cause they hear we got swagger
But we kick em to the curb
Unless they look like McJagger

I'm talkin bout
Erbody getting crunk (crunk)
Boys try to touch my junk (junk)
Gonna sock em if he gettin too drunk (drunk)
Night night we going to kick this out (out)
If the police shut us down (down)
Police shut us down (down)
Po po shut us (DOWN)


You build me up
You break me down
My heart it pounds
Yea you got me
With my hands up
You got me now
You got that sound
Yea you got me
You build me up
You break me down
My heart it pounds
Yea you got me
With my hands up
With your hands up
Put your hands up
(Uuuuppp! )

Now the party don't start till I walk in...

Chorus 2x's

bad romance ( lady gaga )

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it’s free
I want your love
I want your love

I want your drama
The touch of your hand
I want you leather studded kiss in the sand
And I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want a bad, your bad romance

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance (x2)

I want your horror
I want your design
‘Cause you’re a criminal
As long as your mine
I want your love
I want your love

I want your psych0
Your vertical stick
Want you in my room
When your baby is sick
I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need y0000uuu
I want a bad,your bad romance

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

muhhh muhh muh ma muhh
Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

Walk walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that bitch crazy

Walk walk fashion baby
Work it
I'm a Freak bitch baby

I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

Caught in a bad romance, Caught in a bad romance...)
I don’t wanna be friends
I don’t wanna be friends
I don’t wanna be friends
Want your bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Want your bad romance

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
and all your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Want your bad romance
chorus -(Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!
Caught in a bad romance)
Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance
chorus -(Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!
Caught in a bad romance)

Want your bad romance